Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Game Commentary


Video Commentary


Sally Mann Picture

I chose this picture of a girl smoking a cigarette by Sally Mann. I was originally drawn to it because the contrast of the harsh black of the background against the stark white of the girl’s hair and dress. This picture also has an interesting sense of rhythm. Your eye is immediately drawn to the girl with long hair because she is making eye contact with you. Next you look at the cigarette in her hand, because she seems awfully young to be smoking, and because the cigarette stands out against the dark she’s holding it against. This looking from the girl’s face to the cigarette moves your eye from left to right and focuses your attention next on the girl with shorter hair. This is important because without this direction of movement the other girl could easily be ignored as she is facing away from us and isn’t as brightly colored and intense as the other girl.

I chose to re-frame the picture so that it only showed the girl with the cigarette. While I understand the importance and the impressiveness of the second girl, the background bothered my eyes quite a bit when I looked at the picture. For once, the girls both appear to have too much headroom. This is distracting and when you look in the background there doesn’t seem to be anything of importance aside form a blurry picture of what appears to be a headless ken doll. I just wanted to focus the attention more on the girl with the cigarette, since the shot is clearly about her.

I believe the artist, Sally Mann, probably wished to draw attention to the girl with the cigarette by putting her against the blurred, dark background. While I found it distracting, others may not have had that problem. This is really the only thing I can think of for why she would have left the background the way it originally was. 

Response to How to Get Ideas

